Frimindeks 2010: The web catalogue for stamps from Denmark and Greenland

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home 1926-30 (English) 1926-30 (dansk) startside - Danish


King Chr. X 60 years

Printing/oplag: 5 øre 58 mil
7 øre 8 mil
8 øre 2,6 mil
10 øre 76 mil
15 øre 91 mil
20 øre 2 mil
25 øre 12 mil
30 øre 4 mil
35 øre 2,3 mil
40 øre 6 mil

Issued: September 26th 1930
Drawing/tegning: A. P. Jensen after photo of P.Elfelt

Printed in sheets with 100 - vm4 and perf. 14*14.5

The colours of the different values do only differ a little and there are no other variations such as watermark, perforation or types. Prices can be found at 1926-30 (English).

home 1926-30 (English) 1926-30 (dansk) startside - Danish